Sidecar's Dislocated Dreams

Outdoor Adventures, Comfort food, Bourbon, Country Music and Urban Rants.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Snurpy couldn't wait for Halloween to come so she could wear her Kangaroo costume to the spooky trail in Luray VA. She snagged some treats and stuffed them into the little joey pouch. too bad though Mama and Daddy ate all the chocolate!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Snurpy visits Mecca

Today we took the snurpin to Mecca! Headquarters to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy in Harpers Ferry West Virginia. Last time we were here on 5/27/05 the little one wasn't even on our radar and look how big she is now!! We got her a new backpack and some other goodies for dada. The volunteer at the desk managed to guilt me into renewing my membership which I Left slide over the last year. We had a good time strolling in the park that sits along the confluence of the Shenandoah & Potomac Rivers. Later today we arrived at our cabin and visited the local Food Lion in Luray Va. - Over in the baby food aisle there was a sign posted near the baby formula. Verbatim - note the spelling... Enfamil formala is now located in the ciggerette case" Formala? Cigger? - Yankee go home!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Frederick in the Fall

Me and the girls are heading south to check off four new states for snurpee - PA,MD,WV & VA. Tonight were chilling out in Frederick MD. Keeping the miles below 300 we stopped here to stroll through one of the towns parks that has a canal running through it. Tomorrow we'll stop at the ATC in Harpers Ferry again before we head to Shenandoah N.P.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Snurpy gets her first look into the Jack-O-Lantern as the cameras long exposure in the dark makes it appear to gaze right through her as she sways in and out of its light. ooooohhhh spookey.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Spooky Maze

Me and baby girl taking a stroll through the spooky maze at Kids Day NYC @ Madison Square Park for some City Fall fun near the Flatiron Building.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oktoberfest @ NJ Botanical Gardens

Look Daddy! I'll distract the guy in the hat so you can make off with the Pedal Steel!!
That's my Snurpy - knows how I'd love to get my hands on that slider and 10 string. Today we went out to Oktoberfest at the NJBC and enjoyed some country music, cold beer, and some nice flowers out in the gardens. Snurp got to play in the grass with her pal I from playgroup and the mommas took lots of pictures.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


So many Pumpkins! So little time! Pick a Pumpkin Snurpy? She tells Papa "I'll take this one!"

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