Sidecar's Dislocated Dreams

Outdoor Adventures, Comfort food, Bourbon, Country Music and Urban Rants.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Island Pond Road

In spite of the rain that drove us south two days early and which still lingered here locally, S&H found some time to field test the Kelty adventure pack. We let Snurpy navigate us down the unmarked Island Pond Road. Vacation is not over yet!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Freeport Friday

Snurpy waves hi for the camera during a stop in Freeport to visit the home of LL Bean and their huge retail store for some summer clothes for all. Both my girls looked like they'd rather be playing outside.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Red in the Morning?

Well we didn't see any red but we're foiled by the rain along the Down East Coast. Forecast has it wet around here for six straight days. Cold down to the thirties too! Packed up today and headed for home.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bar Harbor

Sunset view from the pier in Bar Harbor, ME.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New England Clam Bake

Dare come this far North and East in the U.S.A - Then this is a must have dinner, the classic New England Clam Bake! To Go!

Before -

And After....

Courtesy of the the Fish House Grille - Bar Harbor, ME.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Little Hunters Beach

Snurpy loves to clack together the cobblestones on Little Hunters Beach.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day says Snurpy who's snuggled up with Mommy. Today we took an easy stroll through Bar Harbor, ME, along the shore path. Such a beautiful day--H was very happy to be here and so was the rest of her family.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Little Orchard Beach

Me and Snurpy enjoy a little break at Little Orchard Beach on the Maine Coast on our way to Acadia National Park.

Friday, May 04, 2007

GTM # 4

GTM day #4 - Where'd the time go? Married in Arizona and celebrated GTM 1 & 2 in Acadia and then the Smokies having made solemn promises never to spend this day in New Jersey we found ourselves once again unable to escape it this year. Reason being we had to alternatively have our out of state adventure planned for next week so H could wrap up some work and the place we secured wastn't available for this weekend. The original Plan was to go to FLA to see aunt A & Unc and little cuz Jaker but the airplane and the miles we figured be too hard on our little bean. Sorry to all in FLA we love and miss you and hope to see you real soon!!

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