Sidecar's Dislocated Dreams

Outdoor Adventures, Comfort food, Bourbon, Country Music and Urban Rants.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Training Session

H & I took snurpy out again this time to Kittatiny start park. She was much more alert and was taking in all the sights, sounds and smells this great little park has to offer. We enjoyed the groomed paths and woods roads which meandered over a hill and along Aeroflex Lake to the edge of an airport runway. We got to see some planes land and tak off which was fun. Also learned how to identify Sassafras and sniff the branches that derive Root Beer.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Wrapping up some Jersey!

The girls had a playdate at B&N so I took advantage of the increadibly warm ( err... Hot 60 degrees ) December day and took one of the last unseen pieces of my NJ A.T. logbook which was from Mashipacong Shelter to Sunrise Mountain. Someone recently bagged a deer from this trail since there was hair and blood left on the jagged rocks for the first few hundred yards into the trip. I stopped to find some red birch twigs and enjoyed the sweet familiar scent of the soda pop even though I tried to keep the pace up had only rested at the turnaround point pictured above at the Sunrise Mountain overlook. Nice view in spite of the recent vandalism where some chokers grafitti painted the enire area with their garbage messages. I hope the ranger caught them and tossed them over the edge along with their Krylon cans. The only little bits of AT in NJ I have yet to trod upon is a about 1/4 mile stretch up a single hill near the Stateline trail west of Greenwould lake and from about 3/4 mile south on trail from Barrett Rd in Vernon NJ to the Trail Register. Still have 3 broken sections in NY South of Morgan Stewart Shelter to BMB totalling under 30 miles. This Spring = all of Connecticut in 1 shot.


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Hello Sinterklaas

Nice Beard can I have it?

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