Today was a great day to take in the late harvest at Honey Brook Organic Farm. We got the invite from our freinds and members Aunties J&J to partake in taking in as much organic produce as we could carry. We hit the motherload and probably more that we can possibly consume before it turns. Here Snurpy is holding up some of the fresh Broccoli she had just picked. All in all we got Broccoli, Cauliflower, Radishes, three kinds of Turnips, Red & Golden Beets, Chives, Thyme, Cilantro, Rosmary, Parsley, Arugala, Red & Bibb lettuce, Cabbage, Kale, Brussels Sprouts, Radicchio, Bok Choy & Nappa. MMMMMMM Fresh. So wit all of this we whipped up a great big salad and about a gallon of vegetable stock, baked a loaf of french bread and later turned that into herbed garlic croutons. We kept the baker ovens going and along with that loaf we made some homemade cranberry walnut bread and classic cinnamon rolls.