Autumn Moon

The recent celestial recurrance of Ansel Adams' famous "Autumn Moon" photograph is what inspired us to head out to the Kittitiny Ridge early this morning. The past eight days of rain kept us out of the woods on consecutive Saturdays, and we could stay inside no longer. As we sat looking out the window early in the evening at the near full moon and the clear skies, we decided to venture out on our first night hike. After packing the bags with glowsticks, lantern, and flashlights and setting the alarm for 3 a.m., we headed out to the Mashipacong trail head in High Point State Park. Most of the way out there the moon was shining bright with a cloud or two enhancing its essence. Unfortunately as we neared our destination a thick overcast drapery had settled over the region and made lacing up the boots pointless. We carried on heading north and east hoping to find a ridgeline with a viewpoint of the coming sunrise and a trail illuminated by moon, which was creeping closer to the western horizon and losing its brightness by the minute. Needless to say our fall hiking season was thwarted for another weekend. If this doesn't change soon I may have to be commited! If we don't get the chance to walk in a crisp cool breeze under blue skies and a blazing canopy of red, gold and orange.... Well, I'll just go crazy!
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